Melted Fromager D'Affinois Cheese And Madrange Ham Sandwiches
Melted Fromager D’Affinois Cheese And Madrange Ham Sandwiches. It’s simple, quick to make, and delicious.
If you increase or decrease the amount of ingredients according to your taste, you will be able to create the best sandwich for you.
- 1 baguette
- 8 oz/225 g Fromager d'Affinois cheese
- 2 oz/55 g Madrange ham, prosciutto cotto or other high-quality cooked
- ham/gammon, cut into paper-thin slices
Serves: 2
Step 1
Preheat a panini press to medium-high. Cut the baguette into three equal pieces and slice the pieces in half horizontally.
It is best to slice the cheese as you work to avoid a gooey mess.
Step 2
Cut the cheese into slices about ¼ in/6 mm thick and distribute equally among the three bottom pieces of baguette.
Drape the ham/gammon over the cheese, distributing it equally as well.
I actually allow for some of the meat to drape out of the sides of the sandwich, as those pieces will crisp during grilling.
Step 3
Replace the tops of the baguettes to close the sandwiches. Place the sandwiches on the panini press and gently close the lid.
After the lid is closed (make sure the tops have not slipped off the sandwiches), press firmly down on the handle for a few seconds.
Then release and let the sandwiches cook for 3 to 4 minutes or until the cheese is melted through and the baguette is crisp and toasted. Cut the sandwiches in half and serve hot.