Mushroom Omelette (Omelette Forestière) : Freedom in your cooking time!

Mushroom OmeletteMushroom Omelette
Mushroom OmeletteMushroom Omelette

Mushroom Omelette, Eggs with Mushroom

Taste and your health with eggs and mushrooms. Mushroom Omelette is simple and easy to make. If you don’t have enough time? Try this!



Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Serves: 2


Step 1

Sauté finely chopped shallots and crushed garlic in 15g (½oz) butter for 3-4 minutes. Add cleaned or peeled sliced mushrooms and continue to sauté the lot on strong heat.

Add ½ x 5ml tsp (½tsp) salt and 1 x 15ml tbsp (1tbsp) lemon juice and turn off heat.

Step 2

Beat eggs lightly with salt and pepper and bake omelette until nearly done.

Step 3

Spoon the warm mushrooms over the egg mixture and finish cooking omelette. Serve immediately with ham or smoked pork and garnished with parsley.

Unsuitable for the freezer
