Russian Liver Pate (Pashtet Iz Pechonki)

Russian Liver PateRussian Liver Pate
Russian Liver PateRussian Liver Pate

Russian Liver Pate (Pashtet Iz Pechonki), With bread?

Russian Liver Pate is a type of liver-based sauce. The savory taste and protein of the liver are excellent. Depending on the country you live in, it may be difficult to get the ingredients, but it is worth a try.

The pashtet may be prepared from either chicken or calf’s liver.



Serves: 8


Step 1

Melt the butter in a large frying pan. Cook the onions in it until golden, then add the chicken livers and continue cooking for about 10 minutes, or until the livers are no longer pink.

Step 2

In the bowl of a food processor or liquidiser combine the cooked onions, liver, salt, pepper, egg, bread and chicken stock. Chop very fine, until the texture is smooth.

Step 3

Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas 4. Grease a 9 in (22.5 cm) loaf tin, spoon the liver mixture into it, and bake for 45 minutes.

Cool the pate to room temperature, then chill it thoroughly before serving. Either turn the pate out on to a plate or spoon it into a bowl.

 The elegant secret : Watercress and Mushroom Pate
