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Are coffee and coffee filters the hangover cure? A lot of people believe coffee can help alleviate some of the negative effects of drinking alcohol. But, is coffee good for hangover? Let’s explore how coffee impacts a person’s system after consuming alcohol.

Coffee is not a hangover cure


Many people believe coffee can help with the symptoms of a hangover, but this isn’t true. Drinking coffee to treat your headache and nausea will only make you feel more awake without actually treating the problem like dehydration or lack of sleep that causes these issues in the first place.

Consuming coffee when you’re already dehydrated can cause further issues and lead to more serious complications such as kidney disease or even death in extreme cases. The only real cure for a hangover is time, so coffee will not help alleviate the symptoms of one at all. Drinking too much alcohol can also be dangerous to your health, so coffee is not the solution to this either.

If you are suffering from a hangover, some things will help alleviate your symptoms temporarily until they wear off on their own including sleeping it off or drinking water because these can both help with dehydration which often causes nausea and headache associated with hangovers in the first place.

Does caffeine help with a hangover?

Caffeine and coffee help to provide a temporary cure (or at least make you feel like it does) by stimulating the central nervous system. This boosts energy levels, which in turn makes us feel more awake and alert.

The boost we get from caffeine can reduce depression symptoms triggered by hangovers. It also stimulates our digestive system and can help with nausea or stomach cramps. Caffeine is a diuretic, meaning it helps to flush out excess water in the body through increased urination.

This will also result in coffee giving people an urgent need to go pee! While this may seem like caffeine’s way of helping you recover from hangovers by getting rid of the alcohol toxins in your body, it’s actually coffee dehydrating you and can cause other problems such as headaches.

If you really want to drink coffee


It’s important to replenish electrolytes before drinking coffee because it can deplete this important nutrient in your body.

Drinking coffee without replenishing electrolytes can lead to symptoms of low potassium, including headaches, muscle spasms, and weakness/fatigue.

Electrolytes are minerals that carry an electric charge. Sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride, and calcium are electrolytes. Electrolytes are important because they help the body maintain water balance and regulate heart rate, blood pressure, muscle contractions, and nerve function.

Foods rich in electrolytes include avocados, bananas, white potatoes.

Why do hangover happen?


A hangover is your body’s reaction to too much drinking. Alcohol causes depletion in vitamin B. This, combined with potential dehydration from alcohol consumption, can leave you feeling exhausted and dehydrated even hours after finishing your last drink.

There are many ways to prevent the symptoms of a hangover, including drinking less alcohol, drinking lots of water before and during the night out, and not drinking on an empty stomach.

Drinking plenty of water during the day can also help reduce your chances of getting dehydration from alcohol. Eating greasy foods before you drink can also help absorb some of the alcohol in your stomach before it reaches your bloodstream.

hangover symptoms

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A hangover is a name given to the unpleasant physical effects following heavy drinking. One of the most noticeable symptoms of a hangover is headache and nausea, but there are other common symptoms as well.

These include dry mouth, fatigue, thirst or dehydration, diarrhea or constipation, dizziness or lightheadedness, sensitivity to bright lights and loud noises, and general feelings of discomfort or malaise.

Often the symptoms are worse than the actual hangover itself because they can last for hours to days after your blood alcohol level has returned to zero.

typical symptoms

How to get rid of a hangover?

get rid of a hangover

There are many ways to get rid of a hangover, but the best way is to not have one in the first place. This means following these simple guidelines:

  • Drink lots of water before bedtime.
  • Don’t drink too much alcohol at any one time.
  • Drink plenty of non
  • alcoholic liquids during the night (i.e., water, juice)
  • Avoid caffeine before bedtime.
  • Eat a big meal before going out and/or while you’re drinking.
  • By all means, follow your doctor’s advice about drinking and health.
  • Finally, never drink on an empty stomach (even if you think it will “kill the buzz”)

Some additional suggestions:

If you’re feeling a little under the weather in the morning, don’t reach for Tylenol or Advil as these can further irritate your already upset stomach. Instead, try ibuprofen which is far less acidic than other pain relievers.

You could also use ginger to soothe nausea by enjoying some candied root with breakfast or popping a few pieces of crystallized ginger before going to bed. Or have a cup of hot water with lemon juice added — this does help calm an unsettled tummy, and it also helps clear the head.

How to avoid a hangover


Drink water

eat something

Eat something


Drink less

not to drink


Since hangovers have several negative consequences, they are a problem that many people want to avoid. One way to try and prevent a hangover is to drink plenty of water before you start drinking alcohol.

Another way is to drink less alcohol overall. If you’re going out with friends, tell them how much you have drunk so that someone can keep an eye on how much more you’re allowed to drink. In the morning, eat some toast as it will help your body break down the alcohol in your system, as well as give you some energy and make you feel better.

A third way to try and avoid a hangover is to eat something before drinking alcohol – this will help slow down your ability to drink and may prevent you from drinking too much.

A fourth way to avoid a hangover is not to drink at all – it’s better for your health and may mean that you can enjoy yourself more without worrying about getting drunk or having an awful morning after!


When you’re hungover, what’s the best way to get rid of it? To prevent a hangover in the first place! The guidelines are simple:

drink lots of water before bedtime, avoid caffeine before bedtime, don’t drink too much alcohol at any one time. And also eat a big meal before going out and/or while you’re drinking.