
1 lb raspberries (frozen, or fresh in season)
3 tablespoons redcurrant glaze
1 small carton (about 3 fl oz) double cream (whipped) – optional

For pastry

4 oz plain flour
3 oz butter
1¼ oz icing sugar (sifted)
1 egg yolk
2-3 drops of vanilla essence



First prepare pastry: sift the flour on to a board or marble slab, make a well in the middle and put all the other ingredients in this. Work them to a smooth paste with the fingertips of one hand, drawing in the flour gradually; then chill pastry in refrigerator for 30 minutes.


Meanwhile set oven at 375°F or Mark 5.


Roll or pat out pastry to a round, ¼ inch thick and 7-8 inches in diameter, slide it on to a baking sheet and bake blind in preset oven for about 15-20 minutes. The pastry should not brown but look like shortbread.


When pastry is cool, cover it with the raspberries and brush with redcurrant glaze. When quite cold, decorate shortcake with whipped cream or serve it separately.


Watchpoint: If you choose a canned fruit, it is wise to make double the quantity of glaze and brush the shortcake with a thin coating of this, then leave it to set before arranging drained fruit on top. This will prevent juices from the canned fruit on top soaking into the pastry. Glaze a second time on top of the fruit.