Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow!!!
When I was a kid, my sisters and I would love to help my mom make chocolate chip cookies. One night, we decided to make some. She put everything in the big mixer and turned it on. Of course being curious at that age i had to look in. Well that was a big mistake combined with the fact that i had very long hair. My hair got caught in the mixer while it was going around and around!! We had to stop the mixer and untangle my hair from it. The moral of the story? Tie up your hair when you cook.
Full Name: Katherine Willner
Country: USA
Age: 20


At new year’s eve my mother was cooking a turkey then she forgot it on the fire, when she remember, she goes quickly to turn off the fire but the turkey’s color become black he he.
Full Name: Jimmy Chaccour
Country: Lebanon
Age: 13


When I was 11 I wanted to surprise my father who worked swing shift by making a fruit cocktail cake (my stepmother made it all the time) and a pot of coffee. Well being young and foolish, I had the recipe but could not find the flour, but since powdered sugar looked like flour I said “why not”, it gets worse I also could not find salt, baking soda etc… So I mixed it all up, put it in the oven and took the timer upstairs and promptly fell asleep. My father comes home and wakes me up wondering who made the pot of coffee, I confessed then he leans against the stove notices it is hot and opens it to see this bubbling mass of syrup!!!!
Full Name: Ender Wiggins
Country: USA
Age: 34



My wife’s Girl friend had a dental appointment told her son {18 years old] to heat the spaghetti sauce and cook some spaghetti  for himself and his younger brother When she came home she saw her son over the stove with this humongus pot stirring away She went over to look in He Half filled the pot with cold water put in the spaghetti and then poured the spaghetti sauce on top could’nt figure out why it was very soupy and why the spaghetti was still raw Needless to say they ordered a Pizza for supper
Full Name:Murray Schwartz-Mandel


Always defrost chicken properly!!!
I was cooking for my wife one day and I didnt know what to cook!!! So I went to the freezer and found some chicken! I defrosted it in the microwasve but by accident i left it on full power so it cooked i didnt think it would matter so i served it anway but did not have any as i did not fell well! the next morning i woke to find my wife was very ill, so i called the docter! But before he docter could come she had passed away and the docter said she died from salmonella poisoning and i blamed it on the indian she had the night before even though she had lamb!!! this is the first time i have admitted it!!
Always defrost chicken properly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You may think this story is Amusing Ralph, but we think it is very Sad!!!! – Achefshelp.
Full Name: Ralph Bigwood
Country: UK
Age: 28


Being an avid lover of cheesecake I thought it would be nice to make one for my father and my boyfriend’s father on Father’s day this year. I got everything ready, started to bake one and even finished one (or so I thought). I was so excited that it didn’t fault on top that I decided to take it out of the pan before it was cooled. oops…cheesecake glop EVERYWHERE…. Turns out it wasn’t cooked thoroughly either. What a
lesson that was…hee hee!
Full Name:Tobi Camilli
Age: 28


It was the day after my wedding to mike, I was young , only 18 and had not had much cooking experience , So thought id cook a roast chicken for my new husband and our first meal together , consequently I roasted the chicken , it never occurred to me that id have to thaw it out first !! ha !! when I served it up it was cooked on the outside and raw in the middle , luckily as he cut into it we saw the blood and raw insides , Mike smiled sweetly then laughed when he found out that it had been frozen when put in the oven . He just calmly put the dinners in the bin and we went out to dinner to celebrate my attempt !!! so I learnt a lesson that day and consequently whenever I spoil the food ( he he ) we eat out quite nicely !!! in a fancy restaurant of course!! he always laughs and retorts ” one day ill get you some cookery lessons !! ha !!
Full Name:Elizabeth Turner
Age: 60


Fun with Macaroni and Cheese
It was 1968. I was newly married and just loving it. I didn’t know how to cook very well so had some disasters.  One of the more memorable ones was making macaroni and cheese. It never occurred to me that one would cook the macaroni before mixing it with the other ingredients!!!  It’s a miracle my husband did chip his teeth with that first bite.  He was so sweet though; quite calmly and casually he asked, “Do you think you should’ve boiled the marcaroni a little longer”? and I replied, “Boil the macaroni”?
Full Name:Margaret Vincent
Age: 52